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Daily Schedule

We will create the program together! Here is the daily schedule.

August 21

Day One

ReAll Agile: Re-think Agile for All Business

Are you ready to be dazzled?

8h00 - 9h00 (1h)


9h00 - 9h30
(30 min)

Coffee with Icebreakers and Warmups

9h30 - 9h45 (15 min)

Welcome to ALE19: Let’s Build the ReAll Agile Declaration!

9h45 - 10h45 (1h)

Daily Marketplace (includes space for pitch)

11h00 - 17h00 (6h) *

Open Space Program (includes space for Seed Sessions and talks from Marketplace)

17h00 - 18h00 (1h)

Wrap-up of Day One

19h30 - As long as you want...!
Dinner with Strangers

*) Day 1 Open Space Sessions

August 22

Day Two

ReAll Agile: Re-think Agile for All Business

Are you ready to embrace ALE spirit?

8h00 - 9h00

Welcome Coffee

9h00 - 10h00

Daily Marketplace (includes space for pitch)

10h00 - 16h00
(6h) *

Open Space Program (includes space for Seed Sessions and talks from Marketplace)

16h00 - 17h00

The Wisdom of Crowds

17h00 - 18h00

Wrap-up of Day Two

19h - As long as you want...!

Have fun with Friends

(*) Day 2 Open Space Sessions

August 23

Day Three

ReAll Agile: Re-think Agile for All Business

Are you ready to continue the ALE spirit beyond the unconference?

9h00 (1h)

Welcome Coffee

- 10h30

Daily Marketplace (includes space for pitch)

- 15h00
(4h 30 min) *

Open Space Program (includes space for Seed Sessions and talks from Marketplace)

- 15h30
(30 min)

Pitch and Votes for ALE 2020 Organisation

- 16h30

ALE19 Retrospective

- 17h30

Closing ALE19

(*) Day 3 Open Space Sessions